| HOTEL BEGINS Proclamation|
Everyone's GreenLife, Let's Love the Earth Together
- Disposable items (toothbrush, comb, shower cap, razor, slippers) are not provided in the guest rooms.
- An additional cleaning fee will be charged for extra room amenities.
- Additional pillows or blankets: 220 NTD/set, towels: 110 NTD/each.
01. The check-in time is 15:00 in the afternoon, and the check-out time is before 11:00 in the morning. If you do not check in on time and not call in to hold the reservation, no refund will be made and the reservation will be cancelled.
02. On the day of check-in, please bring the original photo identification document (ID card/passport) for registration.
03. According to the laws of the Republic of China, guests must be at least 20 years old to legally check into hotel rooms. Guests under the age of 20 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 20. Proof of ID is required for housing.
04. Please keep the room card properly. If it is lost or damaged accidentally, NT$100 will be charged for each card.
05. To maintain the quality of stay and rights and interests, only guests can stay overnight in the hotel room. If there are visitors, please register at the counter.
06. It is forbidden to bring pets into the hotel. If it is a pet recognized by the Guide Dogs Association, it is excluded from this regulation, but it must be informed in advance when booking.
07. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs and improper entertainment in this hotel; it is strictly forbidden to carry firearms, dangerous items or other illegal and prohibited items.
08. After 22:00 at night is a quiet period, please stop all noisy activities, please relax, and lower the volume when entering and leaving, so as not to disturb the peace of the neighboring room.
09. The slippers provided in the guest room are only for use in the guest room. Avoid wearing them in the bathroom and other slippery places. It is forbidden to wear them in public areas.
10. Please take good care of the equipment and items in the guest room. If they are damaged or lost, we will reserve the right of legal prosecution in addition to compensation at the price.
11. The counter provides luggage storage service, but please carry and keep your valuables with you. The hotel will not be responsible for overdue baggage claim on the day.
12. Do not smoke in the guest room. Anyone who violates the law will be fined up to NT$10.000 in accordance with the Taiwan Smoking Hazard Control Law, and damages must be compensated according to the price.
13. Do not use electrical appliances or raise fire to cook food in the guest room.
14. The hotel is in a natural geographical environment. If insects or small animals appear in the room, please notify the front desk as soon as possible, and the front desk will handle it.
15. The hotel has an exclusive parking lot. If you need to park, please go to the counter to get the parking card.
16.We are surrounded in nature enviroment.To avoid insects or animals,please don’t open the window.
01. チェックイン時間は午後15:00、チェックアウト時間は午前11:00前です. 当日チェックインせず、事前にお電話でご連絡いただけない場合は、予約はキャンセルされ、返金は行われず、部屋は予約されます。
02. チェックイン当日、登録のため写真付き身分証明書(IDカード・パスポート)の原本をご持参ください。
03. 我が国の法律により、ホテルの客室に合法的にチェックインするには、ゲストは20歳以上である必要があります.20歳未満のゲストには、20歳以上の大人の同伴が必要です.住居には身分証明書が必要です。
04. ルームカードは大切に保管していただき、誤って紛失・破損された場合、カード1枚につきNT$100を請求させていただきます。
05. 宿泊の質と権利利益を維持するため、宿泊者のみがホテル客室に宿泊できます.訪問者がいる場合は、カウンターで登録してください。
06. 館内へのペットの持ち込みはお断りしております.盲導犬協会が認めたペットはこの規定の対象外となります。
07. 薬物の摂取および不適切な接待は固く禁じられており、銃器、危険物、またはわが国の法律により違法とされているその他の禁止された物の持ち込みは固く禁じられています。
09. 客室に備え付けのスリッパは客室内専用ですので、浴室等の滑りやすい場所での着用は避け、公共の場での着用はご遠慮ください。
10. 客室内の備品・備品は大切に保管いただき、破損・紛失された場合は、代金の弁償の他、法的責任を負います。
11. カウンターでは荷物預かりサービスを行っておりますが、貴重品は各自でお持ちください。当日の延滞手荷物については、ホテルは責任を負いません。
12. 客室内での喫煙はご遠慮ください.法律に違反した場合、台湾の喫煙危険防止法に基づき、NT$10.000 までの罰金が科せられ、損害は価格に応じて補償されなければなりません。
13. 客室内で電気器具を使用したり、火気を使って調理したりしないでください。
15. 当ホテル専用駐車場がございますので、ご利用の際はカウンターにて駐車券をお受け取りください。
For protecting our Earth, we don’t provide bottles of water.
Please kindly bring the empty glass bottle from the room, to fill out sparkling, ice and warm water at Water Dispenser area on each floor. All out glass bottles are all well sterilized.
Water boiler : Please be very cautious when using water boiler and ensure no children around.
Sparkling Water : A auto cover lid bottle is provided for the sparkling water. Maximum 80% holding volume is recommended. Over fill may cause water spill.